Palmistry - Markings - Squares

The Squares

What are they?

The Squares are markings that can appear on any Line, Finger or Mount. Squares are a usually a good sign to find on a hand as they provide protection and mitigate any negative impacts from other markings (except when the Squares are found on the Lines, where they are not so positive).

The Squares markings look like this:

Palmistry - Markings: Squares



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Squares on the Mounts

What does this mean?

The marking of Squares is briefly described on selected mounts:

  • Mount of Apollo - you have an appreciation for the beautiful things in life, you can succeed in a creative field; also protection against any setbacks you may experience
  • Mount of Jupiter - this means that you make an excellent teacher as you have the skills to be able to impart knowledge very well to others
  • Mount of Mercury - protection from any harm to your intellect, savings and getting over-stressed and burnt out


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Squares on the Lines

What does this mean?

The marking of Squares is briefly described on selected lines:

  • Life line - some minor health problems, nothing serious
  • Head Line - easily stressed about situations, especially work-related stresses and fears
  • Heart line - you may experience some love crisis, but the outcome will not be anywhere near as bad as what you expect


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