Compatibility - Virgo

Who is most compatible with Virgo

Who do you love to love?

The following shows a general and quick compatibility for each of the signs if matched with a Sun Sign Virgo person. Free Astrology has a more detailed compatibility for Virgo.

***** -> highest compatibility, best match

**** -> great compatibility

*** -> some compatibility with understanding

** -> casual acquaintances, not very compatible

* -> very incompatible, not much understanding


Virgo and the Other Signs

How compatible are you with others?

Virgo and Aries

Too many differences * (...more)

Virgo and Taurus

Nice couple **** (...more)

Virgo and Gemini

Too cool ** (...more)

Virgo and Cancer

Lovely pairing ***** (...more)

Virgo and Leo

Too different * (...more)

Virgo and Virgo

Too similar *** (...more)

Virgo and Libra

Can work *** (...more)

Virgo and Scorpio

Great match **** (...more)

Virgo and Sagittarius

Don't go there * (...more)

Virgo and Capricorn

Good match *** (...more)

Virgo and Aquarius

Too different * (...more)

Virgo and Pisces

Opposites sometimes attract *** (...more)


To work out how compatible you are with your loved ones, you need to purchase a detailed astrological compatibility report for you and your partner.

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More Detailed Compatibility with Virgo

More on who you love

Free Astrology has a more detailed compatibility between Virgo and the other sun signs.

This compatibility is only based on the sun signs, whereas true astrological compatibility looks at all aspects of the two charts.

To work out how compatible you are with your loved ones, you need to purchase a detailed astrological compatibility report for you and your partner.


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